EUFORES 20th Inter-Parliamentary Meeting on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

"Climate Emergency, EU Green Deal and the Recovery and Resilience Plans"

Pan-European Parliamentary Webinar

27 November 2020, 09:00-17:00 (Brussels time)

Live broadcast of the event on Youtube here.

The EUFORES annual Inter-Parliamentary Meeting on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency took place on 27 November 2020. Due to the Covid-19 crisis, IPM20 was held as a Pan-European Parliamentary Webinar (ZOOM webinar).

The world is facing enormous challenges: The Covid-19 pandemic as well as the climate emergency. The EU has decided to tackle both existential threats in an integrated approach. Billions of Euros, which intend to pull the EU out of the Covid-19 crisis shall in large parts also be dedicated to fight climate change and its devastating consequences.


In light of this situation, top speakers from the European Parliament, national Parliaments and Governments, the European Commission, industry, science and NGO representatives discussed the following topics:

- The EU Green Deal
- The EU Climate Law
- The higher ambition for 2030 GHG reductions
- The EU Recovery Fund and its Recovery and Resilience Facility
- The National Energy and Climate Plans
- The National Recovery and Resilience Plans
- The Renovation Wave
- The status and recast of related directives like the Renewable Energy Directive, the Energy Efficiency Directive, Energy Performance of Buildings Directive etc.

A special focus was given to the national Recovery and Resilience Plans being at this point finalized by all Member States, on how to make sure the recovery will be green and sustainable, and on some concrete examples of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency projects and legislative changes that these plans could include.

Members of parliament all over the EU will be at the core of the related decision making process - and they will be the driving forces behind the solutions to an unprecedented crisis.

The Agenda is available here:

IPM20 was held in English. The webinar was recorded and will be published later on the EUFORES Parliamentary Video Channel.

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