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Renewable Energy in Estonia - Opportunities and Challenges of the Clean Energy Package

Estonian Parliament - Riigikogu, Tallinn, 25 April 2018


EUFORES, in cooperation with the Riigikogu Environment Committee organised a national Parliamentary workshop in the Estonian Parliament. This workshop focused on the renewables situation in Estonia: the challenges renewable energy faces, the opportunities it brings and the way how to move progressively forward to 2020, 2030 and beyond.

Please download the official agenda here




Zeni, Diletta: "A European perspective to untap the Baltic wind energy potential"

Tammist, Rene: "Renewable energies as source of growth and investment in Estonia"



The workshop is organised within the project of Renewables Networking Platform. Please find more information here

In collaboration with the 

Parliament of Estonia


Organised in the framework of


 Supported by