10th Inter-Parliamentary Meeting on Renewable Energy

General Background on IPM10

Despite the volcano eruption in Iceland, which jeopardised European air traffic and led to a number of cancellations by participants, EUFORES 10th Inter-Parliamentary Meeting (IPM) took place on 16th & 17th April 2010 in the Westin Palace Hotel in Madrid in cooperation with the Spanish EU Council Presidency, the Parliament of Spain and the Senate of Spain.

This 10th anniversary of EUFORES' Inter-Parliamentary Meeting brought the conference back to EUFORES' very roots. When EUFORES was founded in 1995 many members came from Spain; and the first IPM took place on the Canary Islands in 1998.

The event gathered many of the most active Members of the European Parliament and the EU-27 national parliaments in the field of renewable energy, as well as European Commission officials and experts from industry, science, media and civil society.  

The two-day event started with an all-day conference in Madrid on Friday, 16th April 2010. Subjects of discussion were the implementation of the RES-Directive and the National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs) as well as financing opportunities for renewable energy projects and a European vision for renewable energy in 2050. In addition, regional roundtables were held in which Members of Parliament from all over Europe could discuss regional aspects of renewable energy market deployment.

Highlight of the day was a Gala Dinner celebrating the 10th anniversary of EUFORES Inter-Parliamentary Meetings. 

On Saturday, 17th April 2010, participants went on a site-visit to CECRE, the Control Centre for renewable energies, Red Eléctrica de España, just outside of Madrid.

Participation was upon invitation only

Programme and Press Release

Please find the programme of the IPM10 here.

Due to the Volcano eruption, the programme had to be adapted. Pleased find the final programme here.

You can also download the Press Release "100% Renewable Energy Sources in 2050".

All available presentations can be found on the right side.

Supported by the Spanish EU Council Presidency


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