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"Heating and Cooling from Renewable Sources - The Awakening of a Sleeping Giant"

 Tuesday, 19th April 2011, 19:00-22:00h, European Parliament


On 19th April 2011, EUFORES will dedicate an evening to the Renewable Energy Heating & Cooling sector. The "Sleeping Giant"is often neglected in energy discussions, which tend to focus on electricty. Therefore, on this evening, representatives from the three renewable technologies, Solarthermal, Geothermal and Biomass, will  introduce their respective industries and talk about potentials and challenges in the further promotion of their products. 

Apart from Members of the European Parliament, officials from the European Commission, national government representatives as well as stakeholders from industry and media are invited to attend this event.

Participation is upon invitation only.

Speakers' Presentations

Tom Howes, European Commission

Gustav Melin, AEBIOM

Josche Muth, EREC

Xavier Noyon, ESTIF

Burkhard Sanner, EGEC